Help Centre

Help Informations

What kind of help do you need?

illustration of a telephone

Need Urgent Help or Support?

Safe Care Tips and Contact Numbers

Remember when you are feeling down and vulnerable:

  • Try not to drink too much alcohol as this will fuel the depressed mood and can make the situation feel so much worse.
  • Contact supportive friends and/or family via telephone, text or other media to share your feelings and thoughts.
  • Consider self soothing or distraction activities such as going for a walk with the dog, having a soak in the bath, listening to music, watching TV or YouTube videos etc.

Consider other mental health supports options;

However if you are unable to keep yourself safe you can contact:

  • Have a look at for guidance and support with suicidal thinking. 
  • NHS 111, available 24 hours/day.
  • Ring your own GP in opening hours or the out of hours Emergency Doctor (telephone number will be available if you ring your GP surgery).
  • Present yourself at the local Accident and Emergency Department.
  • If at risk of suicide or self harm you can ring the NHS Mental Health Crisis Service: 0303 123 1146 (provide 24 hour support and urgent care).